What shall I do to offer a new project?
Leave your application on our website with detailed description of your idea.
Can a customer/supplier of NLMK offer a new joint research project aimed to extending a product portfolio, improvement output quality, reduction of a product price or increase of ecostandards?
Yes, quite a number of projects of the current R&D portfolio are market customized and analytic projects.
What market segments are selected for implementing current NLMK R&D technologies?
R&D specialists focus on development of new product types for key NLMK Group market segments.
Are external partners involved INTO R&D?
We actively collaborate with leading Russian and foreign research institutes, research centers, universities and innovation laboratories for implementation of R&D projects.
How often do you look through your product portfolio?
The portfolio is filled and looked-through continuously without reference to any calendar dates. The entire process is rapidly adapted to any change in project life cycle stages.
What shall I do to gain access to NLMK R&D Center probation?
You may fill in a special application form on our website indicating your University and department. On examining, we will contact you for feedback.
Where can I find opened NLMK R&D vacancies?
For opened NLMK Group R&D vacancies, visit career portal